Meet Coach Dahlia            

Mental Wellness and Relationship Coach
I empower women to strengthen their mental capacity and move beyond stress and overwhelm, enabling them to build and maintain strong relationships. I support them in overcoming daily challenges, allowing them to thrive in their lives and relationships.

I strive to provide accessible resources that help to rebuild broken relationships and strengthen mental capacity.

Our Signature Program, UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN!, contains tools that will help you become gain control of your life, empower you to live a healthier life, build strong relationships and find freedom in your daily life.   Connect with me today for a free “Stepping Into Your Freedom” Strategy Session.

The experiences I have had and
the path I have followed have
brought me to this present

I have struggled with what was expected of me by my family, and society. That feeling kept me imprisoned in a marriage that was no longer healthy for me. I was afraid to face life without a spouse, and felt having someone was better than no one at all. The defining moment that brought clarity to my situation and allowed me to rethink my relationship with my ex-husband occurred, in the midst of a heated argument between us. In the presence of my family, he told my Dad that I was a ‘disobedient wife’ that statement was the final straw in a line of other factors. 

Imagine how awful this particular scene made me feel inside. In that instant I recognized the subtle forms of emotional and verbal abuse that had been going on in our marriage and his many failed attempts of control disguised as his protection for his children and I. That was a reminder to stay true to who I was as a woman, and it empowered me to keep my self-worth in mind while moving ahead. I asked myself, “who was I being in this marriage”? When did I give up my power and individuality, and why? Everything that I had done for this man out of love, out of programming felt wasted during that particular altercation.  I was burdened and needed to get clear on my next steps.

I had to get clarity.

I reached support and sought out answers that would help empower and free me from the controls of an unhappy existence. I found that support and answers via counselling, deep conversations with my support system, honest self exploration through journaling, and my connection to that which is greater. The sense of hope that I gained allowed me to start my journey out of the fog and despair and into the light to my new-found freedom. I reclaimed my identity and began to embrace and love Dahlia, the person that I always knew I could be! The confident and empowered coach that I am today.

The name “Dahlia”, was given to me by my mother because she knew that I represented a beautiful flower, meant to bloom from fertile ground. A flower that needs attention and nurturing to survive.

I am now living the Life I was meant to Live!

 My life experiences and educational journey have led me here. For 30 years, I have served families and nurtured young minds. In the past three years, I have focused on mental health and its impact on relationships, helping women strengthen their mental health, build resilience, and improve their relationships."

As I shifted my focus and confidently stepped into my purpose I've gained the certification to deliver the highest quality service possible.

Certified  Life & Health Coach - Health Coach Institute,
TCM Transformational/Mastery Level  Coach - Health Coach Institute
Nutrition and Wellness Coach - Nutritious Life Certified
Recognized by the Canadian Health Coach Alliance.

My purpose had always been that of service. Initially, I hold a degree focused on developing young minds, from The University of Guelph-Humber with a BASc Honors in Early Childhood Education.
My path then crossed into coaching.  I've found my real purpose in coaching others to become empowered and set themselves free to Unleash the Power Within!

I HOPE TO WORK WITH DAHLIA AGAIN "Dahlia's calm demeanor invites you to relax and explore where you are, where you want to go, and how to proceed. She is a warm and lovely coach who gives you space to consider your options for yourself - providing encouragement along the way." — BRENDA S.